It's working for Neneh D
Washington, DC
4 children
"My supervisor and human resources and I sat down and agreed that once I returned I would work part time every day for the first three weeks and then I was allowed to telework once a week."
Not everyone has your best interest at heart when it comes to work. Some will use your vulnerabilities against you to get ahead.
I pumped. Luckily I had an office but I have to say that I did not find dragging the pump to work, storing milk in a fridge and transporting it back home convenient at all.
I took 12 weeks unpaid leave. I work for the federal government
Our kids were taken care of by an in house nanny for at least a year then out into a home daycare until they were 3 and then regular day care.
The guilt I felt leaving my daughter at home and the feeling of inadequacy as an employee.