It's working for Meredith S
Charleston , South Carolina
2 children
"Our handbook describes pregnancy as 'just like any other disability.' Pregnancy = cancer = broken leg. That's kind of a horrible testament to how this country views and values families."
Take some time for yourself. Get a babysitter, lean on family. Do whatever you have to do to keep a piece of yourself alive and vibrant.
Breastfeeding. Definitely. I really wanted to make it a priority but I worked in a small office. I had my own space but I shared a half-wall with this poor 23-year-old kid. He had to endure the “wokka wokka” sound of my pump twice a day and my boss occasionally ignored my clever “Milking Session in Progress” sign and let herself in to chat.
4 weeks and 8 weeks (but I had to use some of my own leave and short-term disability, which didn’t cover my entire salary).
How little Me/Hubs and Me time there would be.