It's working for Jillian K
Cincinnati, Ohio
2 children
"When I became a parent, I felt I left a job I was very good at for one I was woefully unprepared for. Now, it's the reverse. I'm confident in my role as a parent and less sure about my role in the workplace."
When an employer promises a flexible work schedule before you have a baby, they can’t always deliver after.
I know the first five years of life are critical, and I wanted them to be as full of rich, positive experiences as possible. While I realize that’s absolutely something that can happen in a quality child care environment, I still feel that parenting should be my principal occupation – not employment.
I believe breastfeeding is 90 percent stubbornness, 10 percent dumb luck. And I am very stubborn.
12 weeks, unpaid. I initially returned one day a week in the office and worked the rest of my hours remotely. That was ideal, but it didn’t last.
The extreme shortage of quality, affordable child care options.