It's working for Emily Freeman
Olathe, Kansas
3 children
“Do not stress about what you cannot change, all kids are different and they will do things at their own speed.”
It would be to my expectant self of my first. Do not stress about what you cannot change, all kid are different and they will do things at their own speed.
Right away. We did IVF, so if I did not they would have thought it wasn’t successful.
3 months, plus 5 weeks bedrest where I worked from home. The back-to-work reality was not close due to the 5 weeks bedrest.
My amazing husband, I didn’t know you could love someone even more after 10 years of marriage…
As a working parent, I never expected that going anywhere with 3 kids at home on the weekends would be so hard and the morning routine would be so much easier!