Gabby Etrog Cohen is no stranger to finding balance in everyday life. The VP of Public Relations and Brand Strategy at SoulCycle and mother of two recently shared her story with the It’s Working Project- And a lot of good can be taken from what she has to say.
SoulCycle was founded on the belief that fitness could be inspiring, so it makes sense that the company would be built of team of incredibly inspiring employees like Cohen. Holding such a high position in an increasingly growing company while being the mother to two young children isn’t an easy task, but Cohen explains how she makes it work:
“When I am home, I really try to be home. I put my phone down. When I’m at work, unless it’s an emergency, I’m not checking in with my kids or dealing with home stuff, I’m really focused where I am and present.”
With all that she has going on in life, Cohen finds a way to make sure It’s Working. How do you balance career and family? Make sure to share your story with the It’s Working Project- we are listening.