It's Working Project

“Enjoy/take advantage of the freedom to go do things whenever and wherever you want!”

What is one piece of advice you wish you could offer your former, pre-child(ren) self?

Enjoy/take advantage of the freedom to go do things whenever and wherever you want!

How long did you take for paternity leave before heading back to work? How close was your back-to-work plan with the back-to-work reality?

I believe I did 3 weeks off, then 3 weeks part time before transitioning back to normal hours. We adopted, so who knows if it would have been different if we had had biological kids?

Who was your biggest source of support in returning to work?

My wife.

What was your biggest back-to-work, post-baby challenge?

Figuring out a balance, especially after our second child was born.

As a working parent…

I never expected finding consistent, reliable childcare would be so hard and falling asleep at night would be so much easier!